Sue Cox

Sue Cox

Thursday 23 July 2015



There’s no doubt that humour is one of the best medicines we have. It is a bit like our brain having it’s own pharmacy! It releases endorphins and serotonin, natures own “feel good”  to numb pain and lift our spirits.
Laughter provides a good “workout” - nothing like a good belly laugh to exercise the diaphragm, contracts the abdominal and shoulder muscles and is even a good workout for the  heart!
We sometimes use it as an antidote to negative emotions like anger and guilt, even better than just a distraction.
research shows us that using humour gives us a better perspective to life’s challenges,making things seem less threatening.
But more than anything the brain can’t distinguish between a real smile or a fake one ! so fake it till you make it!
So even if at the moment we don’t seem to have much to laugh  about,we can hijack the brain’s natural pharmacy and make use of nature’s very own balm! 
Just firming your muscles of your face into the shape of a smile will make a difference to your mood.The brain will respond to that muscle change as a signal to release those “feel-good” chemicals.
I sometimes do this when I am driving my car! I get some strange looks from other drivers!But it helps ME!

So even if you feel silly, start to put a big grin on your face , tell your brain you need some happiness and it will send you some medicine. And it is Free!!

1 comment:

  1. At very least, you can smile with schadenfreude every time someone is convicted of molesting children.

