After having yet another conversation with someone who is about to embark upon a "fundraising binge" to set up yet another "charity" I feel compelled to shout yet again about what is becoming for me a real Betes Noire!
In the frenzy to get on top of, underneath or more disturbingly, cash in on the child sexual abuse scandals, there have been a thousand diversions, red herrings, misleading statistics, misunderstandings, lack of support, lack of empathy, indifference and exploitation!
The abhorrent creation of this cynical “cottage industry” surrounding these crimes is quite odious, with “charities” being formed almost daily, mostly of little consequence, and as the survivor world is increasingly suspicious and critical of those who claim to be “dealing” with this crisis in any kind of effective way.
There has never been a thorough understanding of the effects of childhood abuse, on the part of those purporting to make changes, nor indeed a real desire to understand. So much easier to adhere to the erroneous idea that victims are “psychologically’ disturbed, impaired, or unable to think for themselves. That way they can continue to be a disempowered commodity, and for many, a source of income
There are a mountain of self appointed “middle men” who portray themselves as “champions” and have the “answer’, and the real damage caused by abuse especially by clergy or those in power has been buried underneath this voracious desire to “get a job” and a piece of the pie.
It is with increasing horror that we watch the distasteful and unethical circus, the scramble for “funding” “advertising” “ambulance chasing”.
Unfounded opinions abound, diatribes are spouted, facts are distorted, egos are puffed up, while in the entire world there are hundreds of thousands of disaffected people who continue to receive no justice.
The pope and his minions in a cynical attempt to appear compassionate are “funding” some of these “charities” ( the ones that "big the pope up" of course!) rather than allow the laws of our lands to haul them through the courts, where they would be made to compensate directly the actual victims of the crimes that they have incubated, perpetrated and covered up.
Instead they continue to seek, and get, a "get out of jail free card" which enables the continuation of the thread of exploitation and further abuse. As always - taking the easy way out.
Instead they continue to seek, and get, a "get out of jail free card" which enables the continuation of the thread of exploitation and further abuse. As always - taking the easy way out.
The people who run these “organisations” either in in their naivete or greed are taking that funding which ultimately should be awarded directly to individual survivors, in order to further fund their operations, which largely consist of begging everyone for more funding, in a nauseating perpetual merry go round, while the survivors they supposedly support get very little, remain disempowered and have simply become a cash cow.
The churches, of all flavours, desperate to get out of their responsibilities, offer meaningless half hearted and patronising pastoral “support” regardless of the fact that they are the very last people to offer solutions when they are in actually the problem.
Always with an eye to the main chance to dupe the general public into believing they are actually doing something!
I am calling for all survivors who want to regain their rightful place in the World after being so appallingly abused and mistreated, to rise up and call a halt to this “trade” by taking back your power and being in charge of your own destiny!
You are a precious irreplaceable unique individual and You deserve better!
Yes, you may need a little help, perhaps to decide the right direction for you, and we will gladly and freely share our experiences and skills, so that you can harness that exceptional survivor power!
But don’t accept anything piece meal, don’t be a resource for anyone else or part of someone else’s agenda!
But don’t accept anything piece meal, don’t be a resource for anyone else or part of someone else’s agenda!
What none of us need is to be abused further!
Don't feed the vultures!
Don't feed the vultures!